Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Harizal Alias

This is the fourth time a Central Banker appears on this column. A friendly guy who can't stop smiling, this KL-born gentleman prefers to spend his leisure time with enjoyable and relaxing activities such as reading, listening to good music, watching DVDs and karaokeing.

What is it like to be a Malaysian?
Minus bad customer service at public offices, bad public toilet conditions and traffic jam …I think I should so lucky being a Malaysian.

What would be your perfect meal?
My mother’s cooking.

What do you love most?

What is your greatest disappointment?
None so far.

How do you define gender equality?
Men and women share the same responsibilities.

Which is more tiring, singing in the kitchen or the bathroom? Why?
Bathroom… I guess.

What is the most embarrassing thing you did in the past?
Can’t remember any, now.

If you could meet some from the past, who'll it be?
Adolf Hitler. Suka misai dia ha ha ha.

Do you have any irrational fear?

Which song you think shouldn't be composed?
All Britney Spears songs!!.,.because they’re all annoying.

What is your most annoying habit?
Kekadang blurr…

You are more akin to Tom Cruise or Madonna?

How are you going to live with RM1 for all year long?
Can. Borrow the rest from your friends…

What will you look like at the age of 100?
Malas nak pikir, rasanya tak lepas umur tu.

Do you believe in love at the first sight?
Yes… I have experienced it.

What is your best achievement?
Falling in love.

Which person has most influenced you?
Nobody. I never had role models in my life. Wish to have one.

What is the best part of Malaysia that you liked most?
Masjid Wilayah area

Any comment on abortion?

What will be your epitaph?
Apa tu?

Personal Details
Name: Harizal Alias
DOB: 27 October 1972

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