Monday, September 01, 2003

Azhan Mohamed Yasin

This sweet-looking guy from Kuantan was my classmate when I did my IB Diploma at the MARA College Banting. This quiet and shy ex- drummer of The Couple is currently attached to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and at the same time, is seriously planning to "build a mosque".

What is it like to be a Malaysian?
Malaysia Boleh!

What would be your perfect meal?
Pajeri nenas, telur dadar, ikan kering.

What do you love most?
Music and women, if I may say so.

What is your greatest disappointment?
Being celibate.

How do you define gender equality?
There’s no such thing as gender equality.

Which is more tiring, singing in the kitchen or the bathroom? Why?
Dua2 tak letih.

What is the most embarrassing thing you did in the past?
Peed in my pants!

If you could meet some from the past, who'll it be?
Frank Zappa, he’s a genius.

Do you have any irrational fear?
Lots of them.

Which song you think shouldn't be composed?
All the songs from those boboys, spins, spans, spuns whateva.

What is your most annoying habit?
Don’t have any, I think.

You are more akin to Tom Cruise or Madonna?
None of them.

How are you going to live with RM1for all year long?
Can you?

What will you look like at the age of 100?

Do you believe in love at the first sight?
Well, yes. It might not occur to everybody but there are people out there who’ve been together because of that.

What is your best achievement?
To be where I am now.

Which person has most influenced you?
My brothers. They influence me thru music.

What is the best part of Malaysia that you liked most?
Bukit bintang?

Any comment on abortion?

What will be your epitaph?
Man with few words.

Personal Details
Name: Azhan Mohamed Yasin
DOB: 01 November 1977

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