Ratusan soalan yang diterima - ada yang menarik dan tidak kurang pula yang bosan! Kami minta maaf kerana tidak dapat menyiarkan kesemua soalan dan jawapan di atas sebab-sebab kepentingan awam. Apa lagi, bacalah...
arenaKu: Happy Birthday! Apa yang dihajati pada tahun ini?
Hasmiron: (Ketawa) Terima kasih. Sebelum tu, please, please and please... Janganlah buat aku perasan seperti selebriti pulak. Malu siut!
arenaKu: Perasanlah tu... tak kot? So, what've you wished for this year's birthday?
Hasmiron: Nak kahwin. (Diam seketika) Entahlah, dah suku abad hidup tapi belum banyak pencapaian yang boleh dibanggakan. Mungkin nak kumpul harta sebanyak mungkin. (Mengangguk kepala) Ya, nak kumpul harta.
arenaKu: Are you still a virgin?
Hasmiron: (Ketawa besar) Mak datuk, Azwan Ali pun tak macam ni. Terlampau peribadilah, tak jawab boleh?
arenaKu: Kau yang janji nak jawab semua soalan.
Hasmiron: Aku rasa soalan ni tak relevan. Lelaki ada dara ke?
arenaKu: Satu lagi soalan cepu emas. Apa orientasi seksual kau?
Hasmiron: Eh! Ni laman apa ni? Siapa tanya? Lelaki?
arenaKu: Din.
Hasmiron: Sama macam dia.
arenaKu: Betul ke, kau ni kepala angin?
Hasmiron: (Ketawa) Tak tau camna nak jawab. Tanya oranglah... Kalau aku cakap tidak, korang tak percaya pulak.
arenaKu: How you describe yourself?
Hasmiron: Selamba tetapi cerewet. Ramah tetapi laser. Penyayang tetapi pilih bulu.
arenaKu: Orang cakap susah betul nak bawa berbincang dengan kau.
Hasmiron: Ya ke? (Diam seketika) Bak kata orang, rambut sama hitam tetapi hati lain-lain. Aku rasa yang ada masalah dengan aku tu bukannya apa, mungkin mereka tidak berkenan dengan cara aku yang berterus terang. Satu contoh, KUSMA sedikit masa dulu hendak buat t-shirt. Aku dari awal-awal lagi dah cakap, aku tak mahu design yang bias dan keanak-anakan. Dipendekkan cerita, mereka dah siapkan t-shirt tersebut. Cantik tetapi ada unsur-unsur ke-tak-sama-rata-an. Aku terus terang cakap aku tak mahu beli! Jadi, mamat tu rugilah sikit.
arenaKu: Teruklah kau ni!
Hasmiron: (Ketawa) Apa pulak aku... Aku bab-bab prinsip ni, memang degil sikit. If you can't accept that, I feel sorry for you.
arenaKu: Are you a manipulator?
Hasmiron: (Ketawa besar) Aku tahu empunya soalan ni. Kau sendiri pun tahu yang aku ni memang suka nak argue. Orang cakap sikit aku argue. Almaklumlah, pendebatlah katakan. Kawan baik Zetty lagi! Terus terang aku cakap, I'm not a manipulator. Sebab maknanya dah lain. Tapi aku memang suka mengenakan orang dengan penggunaan diksi mereka. Aku gemar buat orang keliru dengan ayat mereka sendiri. Suka manipulasi ayat-ayat orang tetapi bukannya a manipulator! Satu lagi sebab aku ni pantang dengar orang buat generalisation or sweeping statements. Siaplah...
arenaKu: Besides sleeping, what normally you do when you're alone in your room?
Hasmiron: (Ketawa besar) Ni mesti from Danny. (Ketawa) Baca buku, tukar baju, staring, checking, monitoring, controlling dan lain-lain.
arenaKu: If you were a woman, which Western actress would you be? Why?
Hasmiron: Lisa Kudrow. We share the same interests. Both of us are smart, nice looking and sexy. (Laugh) Only that, she's funnier than me.
arenaKu: What is your dream job?
Hasmiron: A filmmaker with an ample free time to be spent on running my own college for gifted children.
arenaKu: If you ever bump into Michael Jackson, what would you say to him?
Hasmiron: Excuse me, sir. I think your nose is melting.
arenaKu: At what age you think you'll get married?
Hasmiron: Insya-Allah, one year after I've purchased my own house.
arenaKu: What's the best pick up line you have ever received?
Hasmiron: Mahu pergi mana? Naiklah...
arenaKu: Haiya, bukan yang itu lah...
Hasmiron: (Ketawa) Ohhhh.... rasa-rasanya belum pernah lagi. Korang ni tanya soalan yang pelik-peliklah.
arenaKu: I thought you're the one who's pelik?
Hasmiron: Really? (Pause) I love to be pelik. Well, it's not that something to die for but all these while, I've managed to be among the minority.
arenaKu: Contoh?
Hasmiron: How many that you know, will buy Ramli Sarip's Syair Dari Timur and at the same time a big fan of Ning Baizura? I was hoping so much that Pretty Ugly wins the Best New Artiste. I visit regularly to Nora's website, enjoys M. Nasir's keroncong, Oh!... Anak and claimed Ramlah Ram is the trendsetter for the local music industry! Well, these are only one aspect of my life i.e. taste of music. We have yet talking about my interests on films, food, or my habits and bla... bla... bla...
arenaKu: Okay lah, you're verified, approved and certified as pelik?
Hasmiron: It's not something that I proud of, okay. Please, don't get me wrong.
arenaKu: Can we talk about politics?
Hasmiron: Kau biar betul! Ada nanti homepage aku kena ban pulak.
arenaKu: Are you a member of UMNO or KeADILan?
Hasmiron: Dua-dua pun bukan. Pas pun bukan. I don't buy the idea of subscribing to one particular political ideology. I only submit myself to Allah's party, which is Islam. I'm very comfortable with my socialising style - I mingle freely with people from UMNO or Pas or KeADILan or even PRM. And I also have plenty of friends who are in the non-political jemaahs such as ABIM and Tabligh. You know what, I love making friends. As long as I enjoy myself, insya-Allah, it will remains the same.
arenaKu: You admired Tun Abdul Razak. Who else?
Hasmiron: Tun Abdul Razak was very down-to-earth leader. I admire leaders with strong characters and people at their hearts. Macam [Datuk] Nik Aziz (MB Kelantan), arwah Cikgu Md. Zain (bekas KM Melaka) dan Almarhum Sultan Selangor.
arenaKu: [Dato' Seri] Anwar Ibrahim?
Hasmiron: I'm no fan of him.
arenaKu: Are you sure? Your homepage says something else!
Hasmiron: No one can deny that [Dato Seri] Dr. Mahathir Mohamed and Anwar Ibrahim are the few great politicians that our country has. Dr. Mahathir with his development vision and Anwar with his masyarakat madani (civilised society) dream. Both are fascinating to me. Coincidently, my AKHBH was born in late 90's, where everybody talks about masyarakat madani. If, this award was around during the launching of Proton or Petronas Twin Towers or Vision 2020, I'm sure Dr. Mahathir's name will be on the list every year.
arenaKu: Is that why you award Dr. Mahathir with this year's Leadership Pearl Award?Hasmiron: (Serious) Sorry, I don't understand your question! If you think there is a hidden agenda behind my personal appreciation scheme, I feel pity for you. The winners have certain influences and impacts on me on very specific time period. I thanked them for that.
arenaKu: People said you hate football or soccer. Do you play sport?
Hasmiron: Yeap. I think it's silly for 20 people to go after for one ball. I'm more keen on individual events such as track events, badminton and swimming. You, yourself determine the success of the game. In other words, there is no scapegoat for your defeat!
arenaKu: What's your worst nightmare?
Hasmiron: Susah nak cakap. I never wake up one morning and find out that I'm not myself but a different person. Belum lagi kot?
arenaKu: Have you been bullied before?
Hasmiron: (Smile) Yes. If you went to a boarding school and they don't bully you, there is something wrong there. It's either you're bluffing or you're the most boring person on earth. At least, once! Well, it was a good experience for me. Don't be surprised that the relationship became firmer. But there must be a limit. Jangan sampai mati anak orang!
arenaKu: What's the nastiest thing has been said to you?
Hasmiron: "Alah, dapat 5A bukan boleh jadi doktor!" Well, it's true that even you got 5As in UPSR, that doesn't qualify you to be a doctor. But you shouldn't say that to a 12 year-old boy! You end up kill his dream.
arenaKu: Adakah kau gembira dengan kehidupan sekarang?
Hasmiron: Semestinya. Ramai yang memperli gaya hidup aku tatkala kanak-kanak, termasuk juga keluarga terdekat. Ada yang ketawa bila dengar aku masuk Marathon Terbuka Melaka, tak salah aku dalam tahun 1992. Dan sekarang aku syukur kepada Allah kerana mereka yang selama ini kuat menyindir aku, sekarang ini terhegeh-hegeh kat aku. Kawan rapat lah, anak buah mithali lah! Aku berdoa dan berharap sangat kepada Allah agar aku tidak bongkak.
arenaKu: Apa yang mereka ejek?Hasmiron: Buat kerja-kerja rumah seperti menyapu, membasuh, sidai dan lipat kain baju. Aku tak pernah jumpa ayat Al-Quran yang melarang ANAK LELAKI meringankan tulang membantu ibu di rumah. Bagi aku adalah satu kesalahan untuk membiarkan ibu dan anak-anak perempuan buat segala kerja rumah dan si ayah dan anak-anak lelaki, terbongkang di depan TV sambil belek perut. I've seen a real case where the poor mother was struggling in the kitchen cooked the lunch and at the same time tried to finish her washing. The living room needs some cleaning and the mounted clothes on the sofa need folding. Guess what the husband and her all "boys" children were doing? Sat comfortably in front of the TV, laughed at a comedy show.
arenaKu: You sound very emotional?
Hasmiron: Of course I am. People teased me because I like do house works, because of the way I talk, I walk, I act bla... bla... bla... I did play football at the dried sawah bendang behind Tok Jalil's mengaji hut every Saturday before I went to asrama. I did join my kampung friends, swim at the benteng. We used to practice kompang after Isya' prayer every Wednesday night. Well, actually I attended one class only. Anyway, I'm glad that Allah gives me the strength to go on. Sometimes, I wanted to laugh at those people's faces especially when their "jantan" sons failed in SPM or become the drug addicts. Some, do crawled back to me, complained how bad their sons treated them. Believe me or not, there is a cousin of mine, who threaten to harm his parents with parang just because the Ayah scolded him for bringing home girls. Isn't Allah is Great!
arenaKu: Wow, seram siut!
Hasmiron: Betul, it's true!
arenaKu: Everybody knows that your greatest love is your mum. Does your father abandoned you?
Hasmiron: Hoi, taklah macam tu. Well, abandoned is not the right word. I'm very close to Mak, the loving and caring person I ever known. My dad is just the typical Malay father. Very fierce and always put the blames on us when we had fights with the neighbours or our friends. I think he used the "pukul anak sindir menantu" method. That's where, his children learned the importance of honouring their friends. Betul, he's not the type of father who loves to come to the school's Open Day and definitely not the one who will spend some time to check your schoolwork. I think, he doesn't know how to signal his love to us but that doesn't mean he doesn't love us. I know he does. But sometime, we need to hear the words and see the actions. Do you know what's the best gift I ever received from him, or from anyone? My dad's tears on my graduation day.
arenaKu: Do you cry?
Hasmiron: Yes, I am. And it's because I'm human.
arenaKu: You like to use fancy words or phrases such as semarak salam and tancap. Why?
Hasmiron: (Laugh) I don't how to answer this one. Well, semarak salam was invented by William anak Kadam, but I'm the one who added the 'glamour' in it. (Laugh) I think the primary purpose is to gain the attention. Don't you think that I've done a wonderful job?
arenaKu: Are you really engaged?
Hasmiron: (Big laugh) Who asks this question? Well, it depends on which version you listen to. Maybe Mak or Abah wants to answer this question. And I think I know what the next question is.
arenaKu: Apa?
Hasmiron: Siapa itu Idah? Tahu tak, aku sendiri pun tak tahu sama ada aku tahu atau tidak atau pura-pura tidak tahu biarpun tahu yang aku tak tahu yang aku tahu.
arenaKu: Are you a racist or sexist?
Hasmiron: Hmmm... kadang-kadang, kot. Aku tak nak hipokrit macam sesetengah orang. Mungkin bila aku dalam keadaan yang tidak tenang dan rasional kot.
arenaKu: Ada orang cakap, kau suka maki hamun.
Hasmiron: (Senyum) Itu aku tak pasti. Cuba kau tanya 40 orang yang kenal dan rapat dengan aku. Kalau dah 40 orang cakap macam, agak-agaknya betul kot. Kalau tidak, tolong sampaikan terima kasihku kepada yang mengeluarkan kenyataan ini. (Diam seketika) Mungkin ada yang terkeliru dengan falsafah aku, "Sekali kau buat baik, 1000 kali aku balas baik. Tetapi, kalau sekali kau buat taik, alamat 1000 kali taik aku bagi balik."
arenaKu: Kira kau ni jenis pendendamlah?
Hasmiron: No comment on that but I can assure you that I like to forgive but not forget. Well, it's difficult to overcome the pain overnight. And if you forgive and forget easily, people will not respect or appreciate you. They don't take you seriously.
arenaKu: Big or small family?
Hasmiron: I love kids! Well, we're not talking about pedophilia. (Laugh) Yang itu kerja gila! Seriously, I want to have a big family, at least 4 children. Hopefully, 2 pairs. If you read my past journal, I've mentioned how pathetic I was, when talking about kids. Don't be surprised that I even prepared for their names!
arenaKu: What do you regard as your biggest mistake in life until this moment?
Hasmiron: (Long pause) I don't know. Maybe not pursuing or hesitate to pursue my dream job. I would love to take up film studies but nobody want to sponsor me and I don't have savings to finance my tertiary education. With the eagerness to go abroad, so, I decided to take up accounting, which I have no passion with. Luckily, I read accounting with business information system - not a pure accountancy degree. I hate routine works and in accounting field, you can't run from it
arenaKu: Sometimes when other people look at you differently, do you confront them or do you just ignore them? Why?
Hasmiron: I always ignored these people but if I can't stand any longer, definitely I'll confront them. Mak used to said, "We can never pleased others, so why bother? Just satisfy yourself. As long as they're human, they will talk and talk until they feel tired. Then, they'll stop." I believe Mak is right. Anyway, man is supposed to be different from others. That's the beauty of being Allah's best creation.
arenaKu: What is the most ideal criteria for a person to be a good partner?
Hasmiron: (Senyum) A tough question! I definitely think it's not love but taqwa and then, respect. For my list, additional criteria will be (1) no objection to polygamy if I satisfy the requirements set by Allah, (2) willing to stop working if she is giving birth until our child reaches two years old, (3) reads Quran well and (4) enjoys to engange in intellectual discourse especially with me.
arenaKu: What is your 5-year plan?
Hasmiron: Work and work and work.
arenaKu: In what situation, do you think that a person is worthless and hopeless?
Hasmiron: You're worthless if you don't love yourself and your parents. And you're hopeless if you can make your own decision on your own life matters.
arenaKu: What's the foolish thing you've done in the past?
Hasmiron: Well, you have to ask a good friend of mine, Casey. It was totally not cool and unacceptable. I feel so regret and ashamed. And the other thing is to hurt Abah's feeling, a couple of days before Eid Mubarak. I'm very lucky to obtain his pardon.
arenaKu: Almost everybody in your family complaint on your choosiness when it comes to food.
Hasmiron: (Laugh) I'm not trying to make life difficult but I just can't swallow them because I never eat them before and I can't persuade my heart to give them a try. I've this unexplained awful feeling to these food.
arenaKu: What kind of food you're talking about?
Hasmiron: Mutton, duck, daging kerbau, daging arnab or any kind of meat but chicken and beef. I don't take laksa because it has funny smell, budu, any air tawar fish, and what else huh?
arenaKu: Why you hate Yusof Haslam?
Hasmiron: I only hate his films, which I think were poorly produced and I don't understand why a lot of people are so eager to catch his latest production. Hello, can't they tell that the storylines are similar and full of flaws! But I like his acting in Bukit Kepong and Melati Putih, I'm not wrong.
arenaKu: You're a big fan of Iranian films. Can we expect something like that if you're going to film your own movie?
Hasmiron: I'm the kind of person who focus more on storylines, then acting. Filmmakers like Majid Majidi and Abbas Kiarostami, present their films in very simple and straight forward stories. And that's why their films are very touching and sincere. If I have the money, insya-Allah I will direct my own film. You can expect it (or them) to have minimum casts and less dialogues and simple storyline.
arenaKu: Rasanya dah kehabisan soalan ni. What's your last words?
Hasmiron: Thank you very much for having me today and I would love to turn this homepage into a website, where we share our dreams and thoughts. I also want to congratulate all AKHBH winners and thank you for the inspirations and company. I love you, Mak, Abah, Kak Ngah, Lia, Fizul, Niza and Lan. To Bibit and Auntie Midah, both of you are the best and thanks for your support. The same thing goes to Pak Hitam and Nek Enon, all the family members at Mak's side and Abah's side too. And my friends and teachers. Thank you, thank you and thank you. I'm so sorry for wrongs I've done in the past.
arenaKu: Sudah! Macam menang oscar lah tu... Terima kasih kembali dan Selamat Ulangtahun Hari Lahir ke-25.
Hasmiron: (Senyum) Terima kasih.
P/S: Terima kasih kepada Danny, Din, Myn, Specky Lawyer, Sabri, Jue dan yang lain-lain kerana sudi menyumbang soalan-soalan pedas kepada kami.