Wednesday, May 01, 2002

Nurdalila Saji

A college student, who is the daughter of my father's cousin, which make her my second cousin.

Why God send you here?
Because I was destined to be here... erm, to appreciate living and life.

What would be your perfect holiday?
A holiday at Fraser's Hill. A holiday without disturbings and lots of RELAXATION! That'll be my perfect holiday.

What do you loved most?
I love "My Life" and I'll love it forever. I love to be alive. Without life, there's no joy and happiness, there's no school or learning, there's no having fun or perhaps if I choose to be dead, ...nobody wants to be dead! Everyone love their life, right?

What is your greatest disappointment?
My greatest disappointment... I didn't ended up school with excellent grades. It is not very bad but I'm still upset with my grades. My father was upset too. I feel so regret and I hope I can turn back the clock.

How do you define gender equality?
Women can do all men's jobs and even men can do all women's jobs. That's great but I it must be fair and suitable, right?

Which is more tiring, singing in the kitchen or the bathroom?
The kitchen because it's bigger than the bathroom. Perhaps I should sing it louder to hear my voice and it's tiring to shout!

What is the most embarrassing thing you did in the past?
Embarrasing thing? Mase kat sekolah dulu, Dila dengan semua bebudak kelas Dila kene denda baling kasut... sebab tak dapat jawab soalan cikgu B. Inggeris, Miss Rajiah. Daring tingkat atas, kitorang semua kene pegang dua2 belah kasut, pastu baling kat bawah. Yang tersangkut kat pokok tu nasiblah. Pastu dalam kiraan 10, kitorang kene lari turun bawah, kutip kasut masing2 and then naik atas balik. Yang malunye, mase kitorang kelam kabut berlari tuh, bebudak kelas lain yang duduk kat makmal (ground floor) ketawakan kitorang beramai-ramai. Dila pulak terkial-kial cari kasut tak jumpe2. Hahaha! Tak boleh lupe laa... Malu sangat.

If you could meet some from the past, who'll it be?
Arwah nenek belah Ayah kat Sarawak.

Do you have any irrational fear?
Nope... I never figure it out.

Which film you think shouldn't be produced? And what’s your favourite?
Shouldn't be produced, Glitter (Mariah Carey) Hahaha! Ntah ape2! My favourite is Harry Potter. A journey through imagination.

What is your most annoying habit?
Tak ade.

Who do you prefer to be your mentor, Tuah or Jebat?
Bosannye solan nih... (Ntah? Tak tahu!)

How are you going to spend RM1,000,000 in one hour?
Easy. Buy everything in Suria KLCC. (Itupun kalau duit cukup!)

What will you look like at the age of 100?
Tua dan huduh kot? Ade ke orang yang cantik mase tua?

Do you believe in love at the first sight?
No... love at first sight won't last that long. Ntah? tak taulah pulak?

What is your best achievement?
Able to finish high school. Kire bestla tuh...

Which person has most influenced you?
My foster sister, Marziah Kasin. I get to have lots of advices from her. She inspired me. Thanks to her!

What is the best part of Malaysia that you liked most?
I would say, SARAWAK! That's a land full of miracles and so many different cultures.

Any comment on smoking?
Merokok membahayakan kesihatan, sesuai untuk orang2 yang nak mati cepat. Merokok bawak penyakit kat orang sekeliling. Nasihat kepada orang yang merokok, "Selamat mendapat kanser!"

Why people said Men from the Mars and Women from Venus?
Ntah... no komen.

What is the best quality that you have but Britney Spear doesn't?
I don't judge myself. So, what do you think of me? BRITNEY SPEARS boleh baca tulisan jawi ke?

Personal Details
Name: Nurdalila Saji
DOB: 16 January 1984

1 comment:

fauzi said...

give a big smile...