What would be your perfect holiday?
Spending time wif my lurved ones in any part of d world. As long as they r wif me, i'm happy enuff. But da holiday shall haf lotsa shopping activities. heee....
What is your best achievement?
To be lurved by him, driving my current car, and my career now. I feel so blessed and cudn't ask for more... (err... did i answer more than enuff? heee)
What is the most embarrassing thing you did in the past?
I wudn't tell anyone, wud i? oh ya. i remember during fasting month in banting, my classmates mistakenly thought my burp as being full, which they rili thot i jus came back from da hostel eating... but ya hasmiron.... no... it wus wind from my stomach. wus starving, actually! hahaha... (confession, confession...hehe..)
What is your most annoying habit?
I like to consider myself as a perfectionist, but dat gives a reason for me being too fussy!
Which person has most influenced you? Why?
Hmm.. dis is a tough one cus i'm not easily influenced by others. So yeah.. i dun think i haf one =)
Which is more tiring, singing in the kitchen or the bathroom? Why?Singing in the kitchen, definitely :-)
If you could meet some from the past, who'll it be?
Dunno. Can't think of any. Mebbe dun haf any as well.
How are you going to spend RM1,000,000 in one hour?Dis is ez mezy. Half of it will go to my family n another half i will bring my lurved ones to shop around d world. Having said dat, I will reward maself wif
happy diamond watch and happy spirit collections - watch, ring, bracelet, pendant. Yup. All by Chopard =)
What will you look like at the age of 100?
I pray i'll become fatter as my age grows. hahaha... so, will look younger than my age. heeeheee..
Do you believe in love at the first sight? Why?
Yes I do. Cus I experienced it b4. To me, there muz be something special about someone dat could attract you to him/her at d first place.. be it his move, da way he walks, da way he talks... or simply his smile...
What is the best part of Malaysia that you liked most?
The food. Dis explains why I'm not a traveller. Serious. =)
Why people said Men from Mars and Women from Venus?
No idea. Neva haf da feeling to read dis book. Sorry. ;-)
Personal Details
Name: Sabrina Sulaiman
DOB: 22 December 1977
Email: venomous_vengeance22@yahoo.com