Why God send you here?
To torture other human being and to heal them afterwards.
What would be your perfect holiday?
Lazing at the beach wearing my hot black bikini and big sunglasses while checking out hot looking males.
What do you love most?
My freedom.
What is your greatest disappointment?
My tendency to procrastinate.
How do you define gender equality?
Being able to sleep around with no string attach and not to worry about not being a virgin on my first wedding nite ;p
Which is more tiring, singing in the kitchen or the bathroom? Why?
In the bathroom coz I have to sing louder against the shower to let others hear it.
What is the most embarrassing thing you did in the past?
Gosh, too many that I refuse to remember!
If you could meet some from the past, who'll it be?
Hang Tuah..
Do you have any irrational fear?
I think I’m pretty normal.. I fear what others feared.
Which film you think shouldn't be produced? Why?
Any movie by Yusof Haslam.. downright cheesy and predictable.
What is your most annoying habit?
Being sarcastic.
Who do you prefer to be your mentor?
Ungku Aziz.
How are you going to spend RM1,000,000 in one hour?
Ayooo, buying my louis vuitton bag would cost more than that..how? I’ll buy shoes and clothes, I guess..
What will you look like at the age of 100?
Dead and dry.
Do you believe in love at the first sight? Why?
Yes, becoz I’m a romantic person at heart.
What is your best achievement?
Being the highest salary earner amongst my two best friends after being the lowest for the longest time ever.
Which person has most influenced you? Why?
I think everyone around me plays a part in shaping my life and influence my judgment..
What is the best part of Malaysia that you liked most?
The Food..can’t help itla..me being an impulse eater.
Any comment on smoking?
Hate it but can’t seem to stop it.
Why people said Men from Mars and Women from Venus?
They just talking about the physical different.. or one being a bitch and the other being son of a bitch..
Personal Details
Name: Princess Reena
DOB: 14 November 1977
Email: ajezack@yahoo.com