Sunday, October 01, 2000

Who do you think you are?
A normal person seeks for attention, happiness, success, affection and hopefully stardom. One thing for sure, I'm different from others!

Do you believe in love at the first sight?
Nope, love comes through out the time. It could takes years. You need to build it with trust, respect, care and affection. It's not simply, that's it.... that's my love!

What will you look like at the age of 70?
Robert Redford? Well, I don't think I will live that long.

Are you a trouble-maker?
I can be arrogant and stubborn but generally I'm good natured and a good companion and friend. I did give problems but not all the times.

What is your greatest achievement?
Make my parents proud to have me as their son.

Do you have any irrational fears?
No, mine are all rational, normal and typical.

Who or what do you love?
I love my family the most and it is wonderful to have a big happy one. I love Simpsons, Ally McBeal, Friends & Countdown.

Who or what do you hate?
People who completely close-minded, Yusuf Haslam's movies and English football. I also hate when people say they know everything about you based on one or two things you did.

Which person has most influenced you?
My dearest mum and my late grandpa.

Why are you against Hollywood films?
No, don't get me wrong. Some of them are really good such as Dead Man Walking & The Shawshank Redemption. I just can't accept one man hero with super extra power. Films are suppose to educate people as well as entertain the audience. But spoon the truth sincerely.

What's your Top 10 of all time favourite films?
Bukit Kepong (Malaysia), Secret & Lies (UK), Dead Man Walking (USA), The White Balloon (Iran), Farewell My Concubine (China), Branches of A Tree (India), Three Colours Red (France), Rashomon (Japan), Muriel's Wedding (Australia) & The Piano (New Zealand).

Who would you choose to write, direct, star in and score your dream film?
Abbas Kiarostami to write it, Uwei Hj Shaari as the director, Ogy Ahmad Daud, Susan Sarandon, Anthony Hopkins & David Thewlis to star in it and Zhao Jiping to compose the score.
What is your most annoying habit?Talk too much and like to argue a lot.

Do you support death penalty?

What is the most embarrassing thing you did in the past?
Did a stupid thing to my best friend and until today I don't even know whether he has forgive me or not. I feel ashamed!

Many people don't agree with your statement of 'being cheap'.
That's my personal view and I respect others' but again this is only my view. Be honest is vital to a relationship. I believe that I belong to my (future) wife and vice versa. How can you feel comfortable when you know that your partner had physical contact with other people. Any physical contact such as kissing, holding hand or hugging clearly prove that you are cheap. What if you don't marry to this man/woman, will you feel guilty to your wife/husband. It's like serving a food that has been touched.

What would be your perfect day?
Wake up early and go to bed late.

Can you sing?
Judge by yourself

Semarak Salam. Is it a sincere greeting?
Yes, of course! A friend of mine created that phrase. It sounds nice, kan?

Which is your favourite law?
Everything in Ally McBeal.

What will be your epitaph?

Your last words, please.
Go for the one who loves or cares you, not the one that you love.

Saturday, July 01, 2000

Addi Faiz Adnan

Tetamu arenaKu pada kali ini ialah Pemangku Ketua Pemuda Kelab UMNO UK & Eire. Berusia 21 tahun, beliau yang berasal daripada Pulau Pinang adalah penyokong setia Newcastle United.

Mengapa anda dilahirkan?
Untuk beribadat kepada Allah.

Apakah hari paling ideal bagi anda?
Any happy day is an ideal day for me.

Apakah pencapaian paling gemilang buat anda?
I can't say which one is the most 'gemilang' because it depends how you define pencapaian... in terms of what? Academik, Agama, Sosial, etc. But I would say thus far, everything that I've achieved or wish to achieved would have to be very 'gemilang' to me.

Antara menyanyi di dapur dan dalam bilik air, yang mana lebih memenatkan?
That sounds like a tricky question... well I would have to say that singing in the kitchen would have to be the most tiring 'cos you've got to watch your cooking from burning up as well as your voice so as not to disturb the neighbors. If your in the bathroom, you've only got to watch your decibel level as you can't over wash yourself... and I don't think there has been a case where you could drown in the tub whilst singing, is there?

Apakah perkara paling memalukan yang telah anda lakukan?
Hmmm... memalukan myself or someone else? I can't really think which one is the worst cos I've done some really embarrassing things in the past.

Apakah yang anda minat?
Saya suka kucing.

Apakah yang anda benci?
Saya tak suka 'bersihkan' najis kucing.

Apakah filem Malaysia yang anda fikir tidak sepatutnya dihasilkan?
None, I think they should ALL be produced but try to limit the number of romantic love stories 'cos I think there's enough of them already.

Adakah anda mempunyai ketakutan yang tidak rasional?
What do you mean by 'rasional'? If you mean phobias, then I'm acrophobia. I'm afraid of heights.
Kenapa lelaki dikatakan berasal daripada Marikh dan perempuan dari Utarid?If you're referring to the book, then I don't really know. I haven't read it yet. Maaf.

Apakah tabiat sendiri yang paling anda menyampah?

Mengapa kebanyakan suami di Malaysia malas ke dapur dan isteri mereka pula malas berdandan?That's because the husband knows that the wife can't stand to see the kitchen in a mess and will do the cooking and cleaning for him and the wife will know that the husband will always say how much he loves his wife even though she looks like the back of a bus.

Adakah anda percaya pada 'cinta pandangan pertama'?

Bagaimanakah anda menghabiskan RM 1 000 000?
Secepat mungkin.

Siapakah yang banyak mempengaruhi anda?
Ibu dan ayah saya.

Personal Details
Name: Addi Faiz Adnan
DOB: 24 July 1978

Saturday, April 01, 2000

Nur Aliza Zainul Abidin

Aliza is a friend of mine from Taman Tun Dr Ismail, Kuala Lumpur. She is studying Mechanical Engineering at UMIST and is expecting to graduate in this coming July 2000.
Why you're here?
I should say to serve Allah but I count myself insignificant against many so I'll have to say only Allah knows the answer to that question.

What would be your perfect day?
A happy one :)
What is your greatest achievement?

Studying overseas.

Which one is more tiring, singing in the kitchen or in the bathroom?
Toilet coz it gets all steamy.

What  is the most embarrassing thing you did in the past?
Getting into my dad's car and finding out it wasn't my dad's car!!!

Who or what do you love?
Things that evoke happiness in me.

Who or what do you hate?
Things that evoke sad feelings in me.

Which Malaysian film you think shouldn't be produced?
I don't watch that many to give an opinion.

Do you have any irrational fears?
Fear of failure.

What is your most annoying habit?
Trying to hard to please ppl who don't give a f***.
Why some of Malay husbands don't offer help in the kitchen and their wife don't bother much of their appearance?

Wuik??? Never heard that one b4.

Do you believe in love at the first sight?

How are you going to spend RM 1 000 000?
Hopefully..wisely but that is not likely huh?

Which person has most influenced you?
The great man himself....Allahyarham Zainul Abidin Yahaya, my beloved father.

Personal Details
Name: Nur Aliza Zainul Abidin
DOB: 25 August 1977